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Ginnastica da Ufficio Free

4.2 ( 3552 ratings )
الألعاب الرياضية اللياقة الصحية &
المطور: Klaus Lanzarini

A team of Osteopaths, physical therapists and yoga teachers have created OFFICE FITNESS, the ideal app for everyone who spends long hours sitting but wants to keep physically fit in just a few minutes of daily workout.

This free version contains 12 exercises for you to try. The complete version contains more than 60 exercises that continuously update and rotate so that you don’t get bored with the same daily exercises.

BiteYourApple Review: “OFFICE GYMNASTICS is the ideal app for students and professionals who need to get back into shape as well as for those who work at sedentary or monotonous jobs, such as those who use computers for long periods of time.”

This app contains simple exercises with complete directions: just a few easy movements to help keep our bodies fit even while sitting behind a desk or in front of our loved, yet hated, computer.

There are stretching as well as abdominal exercises - the first muscles to suffer due to long hours of sitting. The exercises are also not exclusive to the work day: you don’t have to be in the office or have a computer available to do these exercises. All you need is a chair!

Have fun and enjoy the workout!

* MORE THAN 60 EXERCISES - All of the exercises were developed by experts in the fields of Osteopathy, rehabilitation and yoga from “CMO” (The Center for Osteopathy in Florence, Italy).
* GRAPHICS - The illustrations were designed specifically for this app and are clear and precise to help you perform all of the exercises correctly and with ease.
* REMINDERS - This app maintains an ongoing log of all your exercises to track your progress, promote consistency and allow you to set reminders to fit your needs.
* A COMPLETE DATABASE - You can look at all of the exercises whenever you want, in addition to choosing your favorites.
* PROGRAMMABLE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS - There’s a settings menu to help you personalize all of the app functions.
* ALL YOU NEED IS - No exercise clothing or gear is necessary... All you need is your phone and a chair!
* IPHONE 5 READY - The larger screen allows you to view the exercises even better.

The idea for this app came to us through study and observation of patients and friends in our studio.

We know that everyday life can be hectic and full of commitments to the point that it becomes difficult to find time to dedicate to ourselves and our wellbeing. Most people spend hours and hours in the car, plane, train, sitting at a desk or in front of a computer with little or no movement.

The main purpose of this app is to teach you simple exercises that you can do daily in a short amount of time as well as to help you avoid health problems from inactivity.

New features and updates are in development for the near future, as well as other apps that can help you learn how to manage good mental and physical fitness.

Thanks to your support additional features are on the way:
- New exercises and ways to remain fit.
- Animations to help visualize positions better.
- You’ll be able to share your activity and favorite exercises with friends using Facebook and Twitter.
- The app will be available in French.

We welcome any and all feedback, questions or problems you may have at the following contacts
[email protected]
or the website